NHHS60 45th Reunion Saturday and Sunday

This will be used to post pictures from the Saturday night 45th reunion affair at Highland Country Club and brunch at the Four Points.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


NHHS Class of 1960 - 45th Reunion Celebration - Highland CC
Row 1 (l-r): Patty Hudson, Wendy Johnson, Karen Higgins, Kathy Stewart, Barb Bollen, Patty Miller, Janet Stehle, Anne Mae Krummert, Barbara Braun, Sandy Reutzel, Joyce Houston, Gail Reynolds, Judy Bach & Ron Hasek..
Row 2 (l-r): Pam Randall, Bruce Schomaker, Darlene Albrecht, Janet Meisinger, Joyce Jackson, Dick Maser, Clif Gaus (front left of Maser), Anne Moffat, Bob Knaus (front left of Moffat), Judy Vogel, Carolyn Miller, Harry Weber, Carol Congalton, Helene Kight, Paulette Giger, Judith Hocevar, Jack Koehler, Jack Dambaugh & George Yocum..
Row 3 (l-r): Bill Corley, Paul Schlemmer, Vinnie Malone, Bob Depner (light shirt), Bill Knoch, Bill Pfaffle, Kenny Knab, Don Schairer, Don Dieter, Ron Bernstein, Bruce Abel, Susan Barr, Bill Zimmerman, Ralph Karn, George Kall, Earl Gardner & Terry Bartley..
Row 4 (l-r): Tony Snowball, Dave Pavlik, Jim Acton, Joe Kelly, Ricky Stotz, Spencer Ankeney (partially hidden), Roy Myers, Jimmy Schmidt, John Blackstock, Richie Heil, Jim Heaton, Ralph Jones (sun glasses), Roger Stanier & Dick Neidhardt..

Monday, September 12, 2005

Group Picture

NHHS Class of 1960 - 45th Reunion Celebration - Highland CC
Row 1 (l-r): Patty Hudson, Wendy Johnson, Karen Higgins, Kathy Stewart, Barb Bollen, Patty Miller, Janet Stehle, Anne Mae Krummert, Barbara Braun, Sandy Reutzel, Joyce Houston, Gail Reynolds, Judy Bach & Ron Hasek..
Row 2 (l-r): Pam Randall, Bruce Schomaker, Darlene Albrecht, Janet Meisinger, Joyce Jackson, Dick Maser, Clif Gaus (front left of Maser), Anne Moffat, Bob Knaus (front left of Moffat), Judy Vogel, Carolyn Miller, Harry Weber, Carol Congalton, Helene Kight, Paulette Giger, Judith Hocevar, Jack Koehler, Jack Dambaugh & George Yocum..
Row 3 (l-r): Bill Corley, Paul Schlemmer, Vinnie Malone, Bob Depner (light shirt), Bill Knoch, Bill Pfaffle, Kenny Knab, Don Schairer, Don Dieter, Ron Bernstein, Bruce Abel, Susan Barr, Bill Zimmerman, Ralph Karn, George Kall, Earl Gardner & Terry Bartley..
Row 4 (l-r): Tony Snowball, Dave Pavlik, Jim Acton, Joe Kelly, Ricky Stotz, Spencer Ankeney (partially hidden), Roy Myers, Jimmy Schmidt, John Blackstock, Richie Heil, Jim Heaton, Ralph Jones (sun glasses), Roger Stanier & Dick Neidhardt..

Classmate Memorial Board

The NHHS Class of 1960 Memorial Name Badge Board In Memory and Honor of Those 35 Classmates Who Have Left Us Prematurely. Let Us Not Forget Them!!
(See website for complete listing - www.nhhs60.com)
The "Colossal Class of 1960" Celebrates 45th at Highland Country Club.
MC and Reunion Chairman Bruce Abel Runs The Trivia Contest.
Karen Higgins, Bruce "Shoe" & Donna Schomaker
Jack "The Rock" Koehler, Jug of Wine & Sandy Reutzel
Patty Hudson Hunt, husband Tom, Anne Mae Krummert, Jack Koehler, Sandy Reutzel
Don Dieter, wife Joannie & Ron Bernstein
Dave "Dr. Fakes" Kniess and wife Natalie
Helene Kight Abel, Bruce Abel, Pam Randall, Anne Moffat
Dick Maser, Ricky Stotz, Ronnie Hasek
Karen Higgins, George & Winn Yocum
Bruce Abel, Dave Kniess, Ron Bernstein, Dick Maser, Clif Gaus & Blackie

3 Stooges (organizers)


Who are these guys?

Blackie and Bill "Z" Zimmerman were obviously happy to see each other!!